Design Lifestyle Magazine

Design Lifestyle Magazine

Design Lifestyle Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Passerine is the definition of a bird that perches, and the unique joinery of the backrest looks as if it is perched on metal branches. The approach to the chair design was for it to be sustainable and durable. This meant that materials, the system, and processes had to be thought through in that regard. And the result was a design that bears unassuming characteristics, with a bit of that modern charm. The materials and processes are durable and have a lower impact on the environment compared to other alternatives, with no excessive chemical treatments or unnecessary use of plastic.

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The most important feature of this product is the reuse of gas capsules, which is discarded after use and harms the environment. The ability to recharge and use cheap fuel to charge the product, longer burning time and flame without smoke and odor due to the use of quality fuels are among the other advantages of this plan. The source of design inspiration for this product was the Zagros Mountains in Iran.

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Chasing Light

The project is located in Foshan, China. As a part of ceramic tile brand Overland's headquarters, it integrates the functions of reception, exhibition and experience, and aims to upgrade the brand's image. The product display space continues the overall design logic. To solve the problem of exhibition, ceramic tile products are divided into four categories, and are showcased in a pure manner on the horizontal and vertical surfaces within the space. Based on architectural aesthetics, the design expresses the confidence of the space and highlights the high-end products.

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Yulin Ueno

The old chimney of the winery, which has been completely preserved, towering into the clouds, has become a cultural symbol witnessing the change of the city and the development of industrial civilization; Here, the former distillery boiler room has changed into a time mailbox. Every handwritten letter and postcard has completed the longest warm confession in the most simple way of communication; here, the courtyard walls and roof space are preserved and restored one by one. Every flower, grass and brick are carefully selected to blend with the original environment.

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Zhongjiao Tianjun

As the core exhibition place of the real estate sales center, designer transformed it into a different kind of art hall, using the Chinese Oriental fairy tales to deliver the spatial artistic concept, attempted to infuse a calming ambience into the space, to reflect an eastern sensibility and sense of historical reverence in the interior design. Familiar traditional elements in the form of abstracts, cracks, and transformations in collages in indoor elements, serving as a medium to guide the viewer and to provide space to talk on a spiritual level.

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Wuhan UI

Inspired by the unique water culture of Wuhan, the designer made a space that is filled with a pleasant sound that remind visitors a connection with water. The idea is to integrated the sound art into a space expression. Sound and space constitute the framework of the design concept. Sound is integrated into the context of contemporary art and sound tracks are interwoven and mixed invisibly in the space, so that visitors walk as if in a sound field, interacting with the art installations in the space and motivating the emotions of the whole space.

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